About the Event
Harm Reduction is popularly misunderstood as "doing less drugs" - a misunderstanding that may keep us from embracing and leaning-in to the core tenets of this approach: peer-driven, person-centered, non-judgmental, trauma-informed, and low-threshold engagement and services. These are the same tenets that we prioritize when using harm reduction approaches to psychiatry and mental health concerns. In this community event, harm reductionists Jay Stevens and Al Ostapeck will discuss the core of Harm Reduction, the philosophy that informs the practice, and explore how identifying and challenging our own internalized biases leads to the ability to support all people with gentleness, right where they're at. Whether for mental health concerns, substance use concerns, self-injury/harm, sex and sex-work, or challenging harmful systems, using a harm reduction lens is transformative for all parties - including you!
There is a suggested $10 donation for this event, but no one will be turned away. The event is open to all humans, including “clinicians," people with lived mental health and/or substance use concerns, family members of the same, and helpers of all kinds.
Register in advance via Eventbrite to join. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about how to join. Automated closed captioning will be provided, and the event will be recorded and shared with all registrants.
Please note: IDHA is a small organization that strives to meet the accessibility needs of our community to the best of our ability. Our events are by suggested donation to ensure we can provide closed captions on our events and other programs, though we strive to never turn anyone away. We appreciate donations of any size for those who have capacity to give. If you have any questions about access, please email us at contact@idha-nyc.org.
Jason (Jay) Stevens (he, him), MHC-LP, CASAC, MA, CARC, ADS identifies as a person with lived experience of unhelpful substance use, homelessness, and incarceration. After having his eyes opened to the systemic harms caused by structural racism, classism, patriarchy, the War on Drugs, and white supremacy, Jay dedicated the remainder of his life to supporting others who are suffering, and helping to transform unjust systems. A mental health counseling limited permit holder, Acupuncture Detoxification Specialist, harm reductionist, trainer and activist, Jay now works on a New York City ACT Team as a Harm Reduction Specialist supporting those living in mental health homeless shelters and Supportive Housing in NYC. He believes deeply in the healing power of human connections born of non-judgment, and strives to support the creation of a transformative mental health system led by people with lived experience.
Al Ostapeck (they/them) is a harm reductionist and drug user living in Brooklyn, NY. Experiences in the medical system, psychiatric system, and witnessing the destruction of other oppressive systems have pushed them to be deeply invested in the liberation of oppressed people within their communities and throughout the world. Al began practicing harm reduction as a young person, helping friends and people in the community stay safe while using drugs. They have worked in a syringe exchange program at the Lower East Side Harm Reduction Center and as a Harm Reduction Specialist working in housing at Community Access. Al will be returning to LESHRC to continue working toward improving and expanding harm reduction services in the Lower East Side. In their free time, they enjoy studying revolutionary history and theory and finding new ways to make seitan and experimenting with fermentation with their partner.