Hey friends and comrades - come bask with us in the glory of August in NYC! The faculty and organizers at IDHA decided it's a great time to have a potluck and networking hangout before we embark on our series of classes in the fall.
☀️ Did you come to our launch event back in June and have a good time?
☀️ Are you interested in building supportive community in NYC around issues of mental health and social justice?
☀️ Come eat some food and hang in the park with us!
*Here's where we're meeting: Take the B/C to 81st and Central Park West (or the 1 to 79th & Broadway). Enter the park at 81s and CPW. Follow the path below. We will be on the lawn, on the shores of Turtle Pond, in the Shadow of Belvedere Castle*
See you there!